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Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Jimmy Kimmel settle their fanny-pack war


Who shall be the true king of the fanny pack?

Dawyne "do-you-even-need-me-to-put-his-wrestling-name-here" Johnson was on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night and the two put to rest an old rivalry. Namely, who can wear the hell out of a fanny pack.

Kimmel brought this up with Johnson, as they had once felt a sense of competition stemming from an uptake in the sales of fanny packs. But Kimmel ultimately triumphed by wearing a fanny pack to the show, and Johnson conceded: "I now humbly give the crown to you."

What a classy guy.

More about Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Jimmy Kimmel, Fanny Pack, Culture, and Talk Show

from Mashable
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Jimmy Kimmel settle their fanny-pack war Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Jimmy Kimmel settle their fanny-pack war Reviewed by World news on December 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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