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Kimmel announces his favourite viral vid of 2017 and it's a doozy


It was a tough race, but did the best vid win?

It's that time of year again, and on Tuesday night Jimmy Kimmel unveiled the contenders for "Clip of the Year 2017."

These included the Alexa who tried to play porn for a small child, the footballer who inadvertently thanked both his wife and his girlfriend, and of course the man whose children crashed his BBC interview.

In the end the winner was the grandma who was the unfortunate recipient of chimpanzee faeces


More about Viral Videos, Jimmy Kimmel, Clip Of The Year, Culture, and Web Culture

from Mashable
Kimmel announces his favourite viral vid of 2017 and it's a doozy Kimmel announces his favourite viral vid of 2017 and it's a doozy Reviewed by World news on December 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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