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To see 'Hamilton' for free, head to ... PornHub

World News


Current wait time for a pair of Hamilton tickets is approximately >100 centuries. But you can see it sooner if you aren't ashamed of your browsing history

There is a faster way to see the Broadway smash hit/cultural force, and it's all because of the thankless work of trolls. Recently, internet pirates have been uploading videos of one of the original productions of Hamilton to PornHub, under titles like "REVOLUTIONARY TWINKS HAVE HISTORICAL FUN."

It doesn't take PornHub long to take down the videos, and the current clip available ends in the first act. Still, it's something to see.  Read more...

More about Watercooler, Piracy, Hamilton, Pornhub, and Culture

from Mashable
To see 'Hamilton' for free, head to ... PornHub To see 'Hamilton' for free, head to ... PornHub Reviewed by World news on December 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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