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Train station will stay open on Christmas Day to host a meal for 200 homeless people


Christmas Day in the UK means no trains or other means of public transport. 

Zero. Nothing. 

It also means there are hundreds of railway stations that are going to be empty and could be put to good use.

For this reason, this year London's Euston station, one of the capital's busiest hubs, will be converted to a shelter for homeless people. 

Volunteers from charities St Mungo's and Streets Kitchen will serve a festive meal for 200 homeless people, and will help setting up decorations, tables, and clearing away. 

Around 30 volunteers from Network Rail will also work alongside them.  Read more...

More about Homeless, Railway Station, Christmas Day, London Station, and Euston Station

from Mashable
Train station will stay open on Christmas Day to host a meal for 200 homeless people Train station will stay open on Christmas Day to host a meal for 200 homeless people Reviewed by World news on December 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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