Guys, it's been a very special day.
A day of delight for internet animal enthusiasts and overbearing pet owners, and the bane of existence for actual pets. It's Dress Up Your Pet Day — an actual, genuine thing.
Apparently started by U.S. animal advocate Colleen Paige, Dress Up Your Pet Day was designed to promote pet adoption and generally showcase pets for the delightful, dress-upable creatures they are.
Falling this year on Jan. 14, the day saw hundreds of social media posts featuring four-legged critters in tiny costumes. Read more...
More about Watercooler, Dogs, Animals, Cats, and Petsfrom Mashable
A bunch of truly annoyed cats (and one sad chug) looking sharp on Dress Up Your Pet Day
Reviewed by World news
January 15, 2018
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