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Betty Boo the salon cat has an important job

World News


In her four years of working at Babar Hair in Melbourne, Australia, employee Betty Boo has never taken a day off. 

The hardworking salon cat has an vital task: she cuddles with clients while they get their hair cut. Betty Boo's heartwarming lap naps are not only adorable, but can also reduce anxiety in clients. 

Chris Guglielmi, salon owner and Betty Boo's "mum," says Betty Boo's affectionate personality has helped her clients during stressful situations. 

"If someone's had a bad day, is tired, or upset, she's there with them," Guglielmi says, "People seem to instantly calm down petting her." Read more...

More about Cat, Anxiety, Betty Boo, Salon Cat, and Hair Salon

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Betty Boo the salon cat has an important job Betty Boo the salon cat has an important job Reviewed by World news on January 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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