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Booster from Chinese rocket crashes to Earth near a small town


A booster from a Chinese rocket appears to have crash-landed and exploded after a satellite launch on Friday.

According to a report from GB Times, one of four rocket boosters from a Long March 3B rocket crashed near the town of Xiangdu, reportedly about 435 miles (or around 700 kilometers) from the launch site. 

As The Verge's Loren Grush notes, China seems perfectly fine launching their rockets from inland launchpads, unlike the U.S., meaning the rockets fly over and shed parts over land, leading to incidents like that on Friday.

Video of the incident was caught and shared to social media.  Read more...

More about Space, China, Rockets, China Spaceflight, and Long March 3b Rocket

from Mashable
Booster from Chinese rocket crashes to Earth near a small town Booster from Chinese rocket crashes to Earth near a small town Reviewed by World news on January 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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