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Dave Chappelle joined Kendrick Lamar's incredible Grammy performance — and it was perfect

World News


We all know there's such a thing as bad interruptions during live award shows, but Dave Chappelle showed us all how it's done on Sunday night during the 2018 Grammy Awards. 

During a charged performance from Kendrick Lamar that kicked off the ceremonies, the comedian popped out of nowhere to bless us all with quick quips and remarks throughout the powerful medley that Lamar delivered—and it's safe to say people ate it up. 

His first interlude came w a poignant statement: “I just wanted to remind the audience that the only thing more frightening than watching a black man be honest in America is being an honest black man in America," Chappelle said, before Lamar continued performing.  Read more...

More about Kendrick Lamar, Dave Chappelle, Grammys 2018, Entertainment, and Celebrities

from Mashable
Dave Chappelle joined Kendrick Lamar's incredible Grammy performance — and it was perfect Dave Chappelle joined Kendrick Lamar's incredible Grammy performance — and it was perfect Reviewed by World news on January 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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