These days, on the internet, everybody knows you're a dog.
Practically everything you do online is tracked, analyzed, categorized, packaged, and sold off to hordes of faceless behemoths exploiting your clicks for that sweet reward of fractions of a penny.
But maybe it doesn't have to be that way. A new free app from DuckDuckGo offers an encouraging bit of pushback to the churning maw that is online tracking. It takes a step beyond simply private searches, and you should totally download it.
You're probably familiar with DuckDuckGo, the "search engine that doesn't track you." Like many, you may have come across the site following the 2013 NSA-spying revelations by ex-government contractor Edward Snowden while on the hunt for a little bit of online privacy. Read more...
More about Google, Android, Apps, Ios, and Privacyfrom Mashable
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