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Even Twitter is trying to be like camera-friendly Snapchat now

World News


Another company is cribbing off Snapchat. And for once, it's not Facebook.

Twitter is reportedly working on a feature that mimics Snapchat's camera-centered design. According to Bloomberg, the new design would eliminate steps for Twitter users who want to post photos and videos, which they hope will increase engagement on the platform.

Currently in the Twitter app, getting to your camera is a two-step process. After opening the app, users have to click the compose button in the upper right hand corner, and then the camera button below the body of their nascent tweet. Then, of course, Tweeters have to decide to share what they've captured or written and actually send that Tweet out into the world. Read more...

More about Twitter, Video, Photography, Snapchat, and Camera

from Mashable
Even Twitter is trying to be like camera-friendly Snapchat now Even Twitter is trying to be like camera-friendly Snapchat now Reviewed by World news on January 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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