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Logan Paul is now the internet's most prominent suicide-prevention advocate


In the world of suicide prevention it's rarely a good thing when something goes viral. 

Such was the case earlier this month when famous YouTuber Logan Paul posted a horrific video of him joking about suicide while the camera showed the body of a man who'd died by suicide. Paul, known for juvenile pranks and stunts, removed the video after an onslaught of criticism. He promised to take some time to "reflect" on what he'd done.

Now, just a few weeks later, Paul is back with a 7-minute video that takes suicide prevention seriously. It shares a survivor's story, provides tips for how to support someone who is struggling, and features contact information for the National Suicide Prevention LifelineRead more...

More about Youtube, Social Good, Mental Health, Suicide, and Logan Paul

from Mashable
Logan Paul is now the internet's most prominent suicide-prevention advocate Logan Paul is now the internet's most prominent suicide-prevention advocate Reviewed by World news on January 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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