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People from 'shithole countries' share their accomplishments to prove Trump wrong

World News


In light of President Donald Trump's disgusting and racist comments, people from around the world are sharing their life accomplishments on Twitter.

A report from the Washington Post reveals that in a meeting with lawmakers on Thursday, Trump asked why the United States was accepting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries. The president reportedly asked the room: "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" 

Trump later suggested the United States should bring in more people from countries like Norway instead.

Now people from regions Trump labeled "shithole countries" are firing back in the best way possible: listing their life accomplishments to counter Trump's close-minded and racist view.   Read more...

More about Politics, Donald Trump, Web Culture, Culture, and Web Culture

from Mashable
People from 'shithole countries' share their accomplishments to prove Trump wrong People from 'shithole countries' share their accomplishments to prove Trump wrong Reviewed by World news on January 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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