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Someone actually returned their sandwich because it wasn't cut equally

World News


Yes, there are some of us out there who are mad picky about how our food is served.

After all, you've handed over your hard-earned cash and expect the whole thing won't be a complete mess, or at the very least, contains the extra avocado you paid for.

But not getting your sandwich cut equally? Well, we're going to go out on a limb and say it's perhaps a bit fastidious, as in this case in Australia.

Corowa RSL CEO Peter Norris told ABC News a sandwich was sent back by "a bingo lady, in her eighties" to the café's staff — because one side was slightly wider than the other.  Read more...

More about Australia, Food, Culture, Culture, and Food

from Mashable
Someone actually returned their sandwich because it wasn't cut equally Someone actually returned their sandwich because it wasn't cut equally Reviewed by World news on January 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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