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Someone remade the 'Lady Bird' trailer with their own screams


Lady Bird, the coming-of-age movie that won the Golden Globe for Best Musical or Comedy and for a few perfect weeks had a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, is pretty much this decade's magnum opus.

It's hard to believe that the Oscar contender could get any better, but Twitter user @laterchalemet did just that. In their incredible work of art, @laterchalemet replaced all of the dialogue in Lady Bird with their own anguished yelling. 

I now present to you, the Lady Bird trailer, but I scream every

— toni ▽ (@laterchalamet) January 26, 2018

More about Twitter, Trailer, Lady Bird, Screams, and Culture

from Mashable
Someone remade the 'Lady Bird' trailer with their own screams Someone remade the 'Lady Bird' trailer with their own screams Reviewed by World news on January 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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