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Strava’s fitness heatmap has a major security problem for the military

World News


Strava, a fitness tracking platform that logs activities on Fitbits, Jawbones and Garmin wearable devices, has a security problem.

In November, the platform launched a global heatmap of all the activity recorded through the tracking service. While it's not live, it's gathered a lot of data about user activity, patterns, routines, and locations — and it appears to be exposing some military secrets.

Strava released their global heatmap. 13 trillion GPS points from their users (turning off data sharing is an option) … It looks very pretty, but not amazing for Op-Sec. US Bases are clearly identifiable and mappable

— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) January 27, 2018

More about Military, Fitbit, Fitness Trackers, Strava, and Tech

from Mashable
Strava’s fitness heatmap has a major security problem for the military Strava’s fitness heatmap has a major security problem for the military Reviewed by World news on January 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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