The newest, fastest mobile network to replace the current 4G network in the next few years might get a government takeover.
Axios obtained what appears to be a National Security Council PowerPoint presentation shown to the Trump administration. It lays out a plan to put the government in charge of building — and paying for — a nationwide broadband network.
The report bore the subtitle "The Eisenhower National Highway System for the Information Age," referencing a Dwight D. Eisenhower-era federal project that built the nation's federally controlled system of roadways. The use of that title suggests this is viewed as a project on a similar scale for President Trump: Internet and mobile services could become like our highway system. Read more...
More about Donald Trump, 5g Networks, 5g Planning, Broadband Network, and Mobile Networkfrom Mashable http://ift.tt/2DKrmXG
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