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The next generation broadband 5G network could be nationalized under Trump

World News


The newest, fastest mobile network to replace the current 4G network in the next few years might get a government takeover.

Axios obtained what appears to be a National Security Council PowerPoint presentation shown to the Trump administration. It lays out a plan to put the government in charge of building — and paying for — a nationwide broadband network. 

The report bore the subtitle "The Eisenhower National Highway System for the Information Age," referencing a Dwight D. Eisenhower-era federal project that built the nation's federally controlled system of roadways. The use of that title suggests this is viewed as a project on a similar scale for President Trump: Internet and mobile services could become like our highway system. Read more...

More about Donald Trump, 5g Networks, 5g Planning, Broadband Network, and Mobile Network

from Mashable
The next generation broadband 5G network could be nationalized under Trump The next generation broadband 5G network could be nationalized under Trump Reviewed by World news on January 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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