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Watch Joey Bada$$ spin a Prince cover with 'When Thugs Cry'

World News


Rapper Joey Bada$$ put his own spin on a Prince classic on Friday, with a cover dubbed "When Thugs Cry."

Performed at Australian radio station triple j on Friday, for the popular, weekly "Like a Version" cover songs segment, the Brooklyn artist paid tribute to The Purple One. 

"To this day my mum is the biggest Prince fan, she always played Prince around the house, put me on to Prince at such an early age. Me and her we used to always sing "When Doves Cry" together, so I made my own version. It’s called "When Thugs Cry," he told triple j.

Joey Bada$$ is currently touring Australia, performing at Melbourne's Sugar Mountain festival in Melbourne alongside Actress, A.B. Original, Jamila Woods and more on Saturday, Jan. 20. Read more...

More about Music, Cover Song, Joey Bada, Triple J, and Entertainment

from Mashable
Watch Joey Bada$$ spin a Prince cover with 'When Thugs Cry' Watch Joey Bada$$ spin a Prince cover with 'When Thugs Cry' Reviewed by World news on January 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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