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8 people confess why they finally deleted social media


Much has been made of the social media "detox": a break, however permanent or temporary, from the digital world. 

Of course, because each person's relationship with social media is unique (terrible), the way people deal with unplugging varies, too. For some, logging off for a while can be genuinely rejuvenating. For others, it's fine, but it doesn't change their habits in the end. And some people simply hate social media and never want to touch it again. That's fair — it's often bad.

But what is the final straw that makes people delete the app, suspend the account? We asked eight humans to share why, exactly, they quit a certain platform — down to the occasionally weird details. Read more...

More about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Digital Detox, and Culture

from Mashable
8 people confess why they finally deleted social media 8 people confess why they finally deleted social media Reviewed by World news on February 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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