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Activists are registering voters at 'Black Panther' screenings for #WakandaTheVote


It's rare that blockbuster movies do anything to move culture forward besides make people really annoying on Twitter.

Ben Shapiro rants aside, Black Panther is a lovely exception. Activists Kayla Reed, Jessica Byrd and Rukia Lumumba from the Movement for Black Lives' Electoral Justice Project recently launched #WakandaTheVote to help register voters at Black Panther screenings across the country. 

"This weekend we wanted to meet our people in Wakanda," the activists told Blavity. "We know that for some it's a superhero world, but we know that the world we deserve is still waiting to be built — and we want to build it! This upcoming spring and November 2018 midterm elections are an important step in building that new world, and we want to take every opportunity to engage our communities in the conversation of electoral justice." Read more...

More about Watercooler, Entertainment, Black Lives Matter, Voter Registration, and Wakanda

from Mashable
Activists are registering voters at 'Black Panther' screenings for #WakandaTheVote Activists are registering voters at 'Black Panther' screenings for #WakandaTheVote Reviewed by World news on February 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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