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Somebody finally made motorized Heelys, and they look pretty fun TBH


Remember Heelys, those horrendously unsafe sneakers with the built-in wheels that were popular in the early 2000s?

Yeah, they're back from the graveyard... sorta. Razor (not to be confused with Razer) has taken the same concept of wheels-on-heels and motorized the whole dang thing.

Their $130 footwear contraption is called Turbo Jetts (with two T's). On one foot is an 80-watt, gear-driven motor with a battery capable of propelling you up to 10 miles per hour for 30 minutes. Its max weight limit is 176 pounds. Read more...

More about Transportation, Sneakers, Toy Fair, Razor, and Rideable

from Mashable
Somebody finally made motorized Heelys, and they look pretty fun TBH Somebody finally made motorized Heelys, and they look pretty fun TBH Reviewed by World news on February 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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