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These two guys tried that 'tall man in a trenchcoat trick' to see 'Black Panther'


Marvel's latest hit Black Panther has audiences and critics swooning, and some people will do anything to see it.

That includes moviegoers resorting to tactics you'd only see in cartoons, a la Vincent Adultman from Bojack Horseman.

As per a video by Twitter user @steveslikecups posted on Saturday, two people were spotted in a trenchcoat trying to score themselves a "two for one special" to the movie. 

We tried getting the two for one special at black panther. The manager was not having

— Pillsbury (@stevelikescups) February 16, 2018

More about Film, Movies, Pranks, Culture, and Black Panther

from Mashable
These two guys tried that 'tall man in a trenchcoat trick' to see 'Black Panther' These two guys tried that 'tall man in a trenchcoat trick' to see 'Black Panther' Reviewed by World news on February 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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