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5 things to know about Uber's self-driving trucks


Self-driving trucks are moving freight in Arizona using Uber Freight, the company announced Tuesday.

The tool helped transfer a load last month from the Midwest to its final destination in Southern California. For 340 miles of the trip, the truck drove itself across Arizona highways. Uber Freight has been coordinating hauls like this since November.

This isn't the first time the company has driven self-driving trucks on public roads. In October 2016, an autonomous truck (with a driver in the cab) drove 120 miles through Colorado with a haul of Budweiser. Read more...

More about Autonomous Vehicles, Self Driving Truck, Logistics, Uber Freight, and Tech

from Mashable
5 things to know about Uber's self-driving trucks 5 things to know about Uber's self-driving trucks Reviewed by World news on March 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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