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9 books to read before seeing the movie


Contrary to how it may seem, 2018 in Hollywood is not just about sequels, prequels, reboots, and returns to the same cinematic universes. There are a ton of original stories being made into films that have already proved themselves as successful or acclaimed books. Studios love that safety net, after all.

From brutal thrillers to whimsical sci-fi, the slate this year is diverse — and it almost always pays to imagine the world and characters in your head before seeing them through the eyes of a director or cinematographer.

We've rounded up a bunch of books that serve as the starting point for movies that just hit cinemas, are coming soon, or are slated for release in the near future. They're listed chronologically by movie release date. Read more...

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from Mashable
9 books to read before seeing the movie 9 books to read before seeing the movie Reviewed by World news on March 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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