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Pornhub searches for Karen McDougal skyrocket after CNN interview about alleged Trump affair


On Thursday, CNN aired an interview with former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who claims she had a 10-month affair with Donald Trump over ten years ago.

And Pornhub, which has analyzed its users' habits during major events like the Winter Olympics and the Super Bowl, pointed out that searches for "Karen McDougal" saw a 1140 percent increase shortly after the interview. The last time searches for her name spiked was shortly after a feature in the New Yorker broke the story of her alleged affair with the president.

More about Pornhub, Trump Administration, Culture, Web Culture, and Politics

from Mashable
Pornhub searches for Karen McDougal skyrocket after CNN interview about alleged Trump affair Pornhub searches for Karen McDougal skyrocket after CNN interview about alleged Trump affair Reviewed by World news on March 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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