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Remember that brownie pan that only makes edges? There's a lasagna version, too.

World News


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Hey, foodies: Remember that all-edges brownie pan you all went nuts over? Well you can apply that same tech for dinner thanks to this awesome lasagna pan. 

Not only does it ensure that everyone can get a crispy edge piece (the best piece, don't @ me), it also allows you to cook three different recipes at once — so you can satisfy people with all sorts of dietary needs or restrictions. (We're looking at you, vegans.) Read more...

More about Cooking, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Amazon, Shopping Solo, and Lasagna

from Mashable
Remember that brownie pan that only makes edges? There's a lasagna version, too. Remember that brownie pan that only makes edges? There's a lasagna version, too. Reviewed by World news on March 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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