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There's a lot more to the name 'Atlanta: Robbin Season' than you think

World News


You don't have to wade too far into Atlanta's sophomore season to realize it feels a bit different.

The opening five minutes of the show's Season 2 premiere, which aired Thursday on FX, doesn't choose to center on the vibrant characters it created in its critically adored debut season. Rather, it follows two men from Atlanta who find themselves in a robbery-gone-wrong. 

As the two try to make a getaway, an employee from the fast food chain they robbed trains an AK-47 on their car and unloads. The car stops, a woman hops out of the back splashed in blood, freezes in horror, and screams until inaudible. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Fx, Donald Glover, Atlanta, and Screening

from Mashable
There's a lot more to the name 'Atlanta: Robbin Season' than you think There's a lot more to the name 'Atlanta: Robbin Season' than you think Reviewed by World news on March 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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