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This iPhone X optical illusion is super freaky


Another day, another mind-boggling optical illusion.

Rather than the usual, girl-taking-selfie-accidentally-ends-up-looking-like-cartoon-character type illusions, though, this one is actually intentional.

Earlier this week, Swedish artist Peder Norrby shared a video of a cool trick he'd made using his iPhone X.

portable hole!? 🙀
no post effects, all in-camera. full write-up with source code coming soon

— ΛLGΘMΨSΓIC (@algomystic) February 26, 2018

Pretty crazy, right?

Here's a follow-up video he shared to explain how it all works. Read more...

More about Optical Illusion, Face Tracking, Iphone X, Culture, and Iphone

from Mashable
This iPhone X optical illusion is super freaky This iPhone X optical illusion is super freaky Reviewed by World news on March 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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