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Bold squirrel steals a huge pastry, but quickly loses it to a bully


In what may be the sweetest heist of the century, a squirrel in Aurora, Colorado, was just spotted lugging around a stolen frosted Danish. 

The pastry was almost half of the size of its captor, but the squirrel carried it through a parking lot, determined to get away. 

"He was looking for a cup of coffee I think," said the person who took the video. But before it could enjoy its sugary treasure, a larger squirrel stole it and ran off. 

The pastry thief is still at large. 

More about Squirrel, Culture, and Animals

from Mashable
Bold squirrel steals a huge pastry, but quickly loses it to a bully Bold squirrel steals a huge pastry, but quickly loses it to a bully Reviewed by World news on January 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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