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Woman spotted doing yoga in the aisle of an airplane


Air travel can really take a toll on your body, so it's not uncommon for people to take a few moments and stretch their legs in the aisle during a flight. But when a little stretch becomes straight up yoga, things have gone too far. 

A woman was spotted practicing her yoga poses mid-flight on a commercial plane with almost no regard for the people around her. When your pose places your rear end directly in front of some poor person's face with an aisle seat, you've crossed a line.

At the end of the clip two flight attendants can even be seen laughing at the woman, who thankfully kept her yoga session short.  Read more...

More about Travel, Funny, Yoga, Planes, and Culture

from Mashable
Woman spotted doing yoga in the aisle of an airplane Woman spotted doing yoga in the aisle of an airplane Reviewed by World news on January 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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